Thursday, May 14, 2015

12 ways I know I am a Stay-at-Home Mom

Now that I've had some time to get used to this mommy thing, and being my boys' primary caretaker, (pretty much 24-hours-a-day) I've started to notice some interesting things about myself when I am away from my children (and when I've been with them a little too long...) and this particular way of life that seems to scream, "Stay-at-Home Mom"!

1.  Driving in the car solo is truly a liberating experience. No crying or whining in the backseat is quite heavenly. 

2.  Walking into any store ALONE, without a car seat, stroller, hand to hold, or baby to wear makes me feel naked. I have at least one double-check, heart-skip-a-beat, I-left-my-baby-somewhere freak out moment!

3.  I get excited for my annual gyno appointment.  Someone's watching my kids?  I'll take a stranger looking at my private parts while I blissfully read gossip magazines any day!  (That didn't come out right.  You get my point.) 

4. When the kids are napping I realize I am STILL watching "Micky Mouse Clubhouse".

5.  I talk the ears off the cashier lady at Publix because I haven't had adult conversation in hours.

6.  Getting ready for the day (like actually showering, blow-drying hair, and putting on make-up) is an exhausting experience.  I have to plan it out: shower while they nap, blow-dry while they are occupied with blocks, apply make-up in one hand while baby is in the other... And since that ain't happenin' every day, I'd like to refer you to...

7. The Uniform:  T-shirt, Yoga Pants, running shoes and a pony-tail are the look-of-choice these days. I'm feeling good when I can quickly put on deodorant, brush my teeth and slap on some face lotion, bronzer and chap-stick!

8.  My kid-less friends and even, at times, my husband wonder what I do all day.  Sigh.  No comment. 

9.  Getting out of the house once a day is a must!  Even the sweetest angel baby can turn into a devil child when cabin fever comes upon him.  Which brings me to my next point...

10.   I know about every community playground, fast-food play area, pet-store, splash-pad, and park in the 10-mile radius around my home.  

11.  Crock-Pot meals are a way of life.  The witching hour is a REAL thing.

12.  I secretly love that my first born is a Daddy's boy.  When my husband comes home from work, I am no longer needed. (Insert happy, mischievous smile here.) 

There are plenty more things that have changed in my life since my two boys have arrived and my choice to stay at home with them really has been awesome! I am so grateful for the time that I am able to give to them and help shape them into the men they are going to become. Not to mention, I love being there for every milestone moment. It's definitely been fun. So, please know I say some of these things in jest.  I really do love being a SAHM.  

Now someone call me a babysitter.