Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"You birth the...WHAAAT?!"

Placenta. That’s what.

I took an anatomy class in high school, read PLENTY of baby books while pregnant, and yet no one STINKIN’ told me that once my precious little gem pops out… I’m not done pushing. HOW DID I MISS THIS?

I had preparation for just about all the stages of my pregnancy. My mom, mother-in-law, sister, fertility doctor, OBGYN, nurse practitioner—they were all so great at telling me what to expect—and possible pain I would be in. And, I’d like to think I dealt with the pain pretty good.

Invitro Fertilization Shots? Check.

4 months of vomiting? Check.

Swollen ankles? Check.

Back Pain? Check.

Braxton-Hicks Contractions? Check.

Real Contractions? Check.

Pushing out my child? Check.

All these things I was told about beforehand and I was mentally and physically ready to endure this pain (to some degree).

Honestly, the part I feared the most was actually the easiest: the contractions and pushing (of the baby). Of course with the help of a little friend that goes by the name of, Epidural, I pushed that ‘lil guy out in less than 20 minutes. Although the whole birthing process lasted 12 hours, I only needed about 17 minutes of pushing to get that sweet 8.4 pounds of joy out of me. And, what a feeling! To hear his sweet cry and see his little squirmy body was nothing short of amazing. People aren’t lying when they say it’s the best moment of your life. It truly was the best moment of mine.

I could finally relax. I thought all my pain, anxiety, and fears were over. My baby boy was in my arms.

And the flash photography commenced. I had my mom and mother-in-law there snapping photo after photo. My husband was also by my side flashing his biggest grin by our newborn child.

Then, the doctor told me to keep pushing.
“PUSH? Push what?” I know I’m a bit drugged up but I could have SWORN I just popped out a baby!? What am I pushing for?”

I still had to birth the placenta.

I was in NO WAY prepared for this. The hardest part was everyone who was my support system throughout the delivery now had their attention on the baby. They were celebrating, and rightfully so. But, I also wanted to see my child and go through the joy with them. So, amidst taking the pictures I’ve been dreaming about for over 9 months straight, I still had a job to do. A downright painful, horrible job! A half hour later, with lots of painful pushing on my abdomen and more blood loss than expected, I birthed the placenta.

No one can be fully ready for what is to come—with birthing a child, or anything else for that matter. Yes. I would have liked to have known that tidbit of information about birthing the placenta, but I truly shouldn’t complain. My delivery went great with only a few hiccups. I also have a healthy bundle of joy for the outcome.
So, without further adieu, our first family photos:

(taken right after the delivery of my son and right smack-dab during the birthing of the placenta)

“Say Cheeeese!.... and PUUUUUUSH!”

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