Sunday, January 4, 2015

We Rest on Sunday

Sunday. The chill day.  The lazy day. The relax day.  The peace after the chaos and the calm before the storm. 

God knows His people so well.  He knows our needs and we need Sunday.   He worked to make the heavens and the earth, the sky and the seas, the animals of the earth and the people in it.  But when He was done,  He rested.  He also made sure to mention in His Good Book that we should also rest. Our bodies and souls need it. 

Today is Sunday.  And it is beautiful.  No church for us today since our children are coming off from having the flu, but I have been intentional about making sure I rest today.  Boy, did my body need it after caring for two kids with the flu all week.  This mama is tired. 

My house at the moment is blissfully quiet.  There are no loud toys making obnoxious noises and the kid's channel is turned off on the television.   My husband and young baby are in the Master bedroom snoozing away, and I just put my other son down for a nap is his bedroom.  I can still hear a faint  "vroom-vroom" sound as he mimics car sounds while he plays with his favorite monster truck one last time before his eyes get too heavy to play anymore.

I just had some wonderful down-time with my almost 2-year-old son.  We rested together.  We sat together on his kid-sized Jake and the Neverland Pirate couch and played games on the i-pad together.  As I watched his face light up to learning colors and numbers, I started to melt inside.  My mind drifted as I watched my blonde-haired, big beautiful brown-eyed boy playing in the glow of the tablet.  I thought about this life and if he or I left it too soon.  It is a bit morbid, but sometimes when I think about love so much, I start to think about the possibility of it being taken away.  I thought about some of the people I  know who have lost people on this earth far too early, and my heart started to get heavy.  In that small moment, I soaked up all I could of my precious boy.  I hugged him a little harder and kissed him multiple times on the cheek.  I even told him I was going to eat him up like a banana in which he giggled at that silly thought.

I don't know what the future holds.  But I have today.   I have my family on this peaceful Sunday.  And for that, I am overwhelmingly grateful. 

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