Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Birth Story I Didn't Write

Today is my son's first birthday, and I realized I've yet to post his birth story.  It's not that I haven't written it.  It is a draft, sitting in my list of posts waiting for me to hit the orange "publish" button.  But, I continue to read it and I just can't seem to do it.  It's a lot of," blah-blah-I'm-in-pain stuff" that I really don't even think about anymore.  At the time, it was intense and memorable, but it's not what I really want to remember.  So, I'll keep that story in my draft box just for me, but for you, I'm going to give you the "in a nutshell" version along with some of the things  I didn't write... 

Mommy and David

I birthed 21.5 inches and 10.1 pounds out of my vagina.  I should probably stop there because you can probably guess what I'm going to say next, but I'll give you a bit more detail.  It hurt. I screamed. A lot. I cried. A lot.  My husband, mom, and mother-in-law gave me lots of encouragement and hand-holding and I continued to push. And scream. And cry. And push. And scream. And cry.
I experienced a pain I didn't even know existed.
And then, it happened.
He was here.
And that is all that matters. 

Hospital photo. 2 days old

Here's what I didn't write in my previous post:

I didnt write that my husband held him first.  I watched them from my delievery bed and was so thankful for both of them.  That memory is forever engrained in my mind. 

I didnt write that when I held him for the first time, I realized love had no limit.  I love him just as much as my first son.  It was a beautiful moment. 

I didnt write that I should have brought 6 months clothing to the hospital for my son to wear. Newborn clothing just didn't fit. 

I didn't write the signifance of his name and how much thought we put into the perfect name for David Justave Joyce.  David was his great grandfather's name on his dad's side and Justave was the middle name of his great-great grandfather,Mandor Matson, from his mom's side. A name built from our family.

I didn't write about how much I enjoyed the couple days I had to focus on my new son and husband in the hopsital.  Although I missed my first born and he was enjoying some time with his grandparents, I loved the bonding time with our new son-- just the three of us. 

I didn't write about all of our wonderful extended family and friends who sent presents, called, texted, made us dinner, prayed and loved on us.  We felt so blessed to be on the minds and hearts of so many people. 
Carson first meets his baby brother
David, on your first birthday, I no longer worry or care about the pain during your birth.  (Although I may mention it when you are older as leverage.)

I celebrate the boy.  You are no longer my little baby.  I celebrate this past year as you have brought me such joy! I am so honored to be the mother that will help guide you on your path in life.  I pray daily for you. Sometimes it's small prayers like sleeping well throughout the night without me. And sometimes its big prayers, like becoming a man of character and wisdom.

You already have such a sweet heart and easy-going temperment that will serve you well in this life. 

Happy Birthday my big Bubba Bear, my Davey Baby, my Dave-Daves. 

I love you. 

David on his 1st birthday 9/2/15

Our family at David's 1st birthday party a few weeks ago.
It was shark themed at the beach!

David was a bit overwhelmed with his brother and cousins helping with present opening.

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